We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please be aware that APGFCU will never send you text messages containing links to our website or instructing you to log into online banking. If you receive a text message with a link to APGFCU's website, do not click on it. Instead, visit apgfcu.com or use the mobile app to access your online banking account.
SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
We understand that life is sometimes unpredictable and can affect the ability to make loan payments. With Skip-A-Pay, you can choose to skip one payment every 12 months on your personal, auto, home improvement, education, or recreational loans without penalty.
*A $30 processing fee per loan applies. The loan payment cannot be skipped until at least three monthly payments have been made. You can skip only one loan payment per loan per calendar year and regular monthly or minimum payments must resume. Members who have weekly or biweekly payments and have already made a payment within the month when the request is made will not be able to skip the subsequent payment for that month. To qualify, your membership with APGFCU must be in good standing, all loan payments must be current, and eligibility may be subject to credit union approval. All co-signer(s) and/or co-borrower(s) must sign this form. Offer does not include Visa® credit cards, Easy Cash lines of credit, mortgage loans, mobile home loans, home equity loans, home equity lines of credit, vacation loans, holiday loans, and any share secured loans including Visa share secured. This form must be received at least three business days prior to your payment due date to take advantage of this offer.