We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please be aware that APGFCU will never send you text messages containing links to our website or instructing you to log into online banking. If you receive a text message with a link to APGFCU's website, do not click on it. Instead, visit apgfcu.com or use the mobile app to access your online banking account.
SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Understanding the concept of money is important at every age. APGFCU® provides ongoing financial education to develop and explore money concepts with in person lessons and online resources geared toward our growing membership in each age group.
Our team of financial educators offer free in-school lessons to compliment your financial literacy curriculum. Plus, all sessions meet state and national curriculum standards.
To reinforce reading, writing, math and teamwork skills, we provide educators with Banzai, an interactive online educational software customized for every grade level. Banzai lessons to teach the value of a dollar using story problems based on real-life scenarios in a “choose-your-own-adventure” style game with pre and post assessments.
Students are introduced to money and saving in these one-hour in-class lessons. Sessions are available to students in Pre-K through 5th grade. Add our online resource, Banzai Junior for ages 8-12 , to compliment and reinforce skills.
Students review elementary concepts in greater detail through these in-class lessons. Sessions focus on earning and acquiring money and making wise money management decisions. Reinforce these skills with Banzai Teen, an online resource for teens ages 13-18.
At the high school level, we are preparing students for their futures in college, the workforce and as independent, financially responsible, young adults. Each one-hour, in-class lesson will go into greater detail as we explore and teach necessary financial life skills. Pair our in-class lessons with Banzai Plus, our online resource for teens 16 and over.
APGFCU Financial Reality Fair is a simulation of an adult’s financial life that provides youth with an interactive experience for making real-world financial decisions and managing money.
Participants experience what it is like to have an account at a financial institution, decide how to use their money, obtain a loan, manage debt and more. They must complete a saving and spending plan for everyday costs such as housing, transportation, healthcare, clothing, food and even childcare.
Participants will also face the "Wheel of Life", where life may provide some unexpected expenses and income. For youth, a Financial Reality Fair can be an eye-opening, exciting, and fun way to build financial knowledge and skills. This lesson introduces or reinforces college and career readiness and the economic impact.
The Millionaire's Club is a complete financial skills program designed for club-like settings at high schools, colleges, and other community organizations. It’s the most advanced, achievable financial education program available.
Contact the APGFCU Financial Education Team to take advantage of these programs and materials at 410-893-7359 or email us at [email protected]