We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please be aware that APGFCU will never send you text messages containing links to our website or instructing you to log into online banking. If you receive a text message with a link to APGFCU's website, do not click on it. Instead, visit apgfcu.com or use the mobile app to access your online banking account.
SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: We will be performing scheduled system maintenance on Sunday, February 9 between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Online and Mobile Banking, ABBY Telephone Teller, ATMs and Online Account Opening may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Take the guesswork out of your financial planning. Try our calculators when you want to manage your saving, investing, or borrowing numbers.
Still have questions? We’d love to talk with you.
Determine your monthly car loan payment or your purchase price. The graph options allows you to see how different loan terms or down payments can impact your monthly payment and you can also view your complete amortization schedule by clicking on the "View Report" button.
See how much your savings will add up to on a Savings Certificate based on your initial deposit, term and annual percentage yield (APY). Click on the "View Report" button to see a detailed schedule of your certificate balance and interest earned.
Calculate what it will take to pay off your credit card balance, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
Determine if debt consolidation is right for you. Fill in your loan amounts, credit card balances and other outstanding debt. You can then see what your monthly payment would be with a consolidated loan. Try adjusting your terms, loan types or rate until you find a consolidation plan that fits your needs — and most importantly your budget!
Our mortgage calculators come in handy before and after you own.
Consistent investments over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth. See how you savings can add up over time.
The information provided by these calculators is for illustrative purposes only. The information entered may vary from your actual loan, mortgage, investment, or savings results. Interest rates are hypothetical and are not meant to represent any specific investment. Rates of return will vary over time, particularly for long-term investments. The calculated results are not guaranteed to be accurate and are in no way endorsed, offered or guaranteed by APG Federal Credit Union.